Podcast #17 – Cheap Flights with Steven @ Notiflyr
10 Apr. 2020
Podcast #17 – Cheap Flights with Steven @ Notiflyr

Notiflyr is one of the best cheap airfare services in the world, period. Although I’ve kept tabs on the best cheap airfare websites around the world, until fairly recently I hadn’t heard of the company. After digging into more details and looking more closely at the quality of the flight deals they offer, I was hooked, and am now a proud member. Notiflyr sources their own flight deals, they aren’t copying other deals from other websites and companies. They are US based, and grew from humble beginnings, basically a couple of smart guys who learned technical skills on how to find the best airfare deals. The quality of the deals and related information is outstanding, and will only get better. This is an interview with Steven Ryals, one of the founders of Notiflyr. We talk about how he entered the world of cheap flights and what the current state of affairs is like.

The show referenced a couple of recent flight deals.  Here’s one from many airports to the Caribbean.


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