Podcast #19 – 2020 Travel Music
4 Jan. 2021
Podcast #19 – 2020 Travel Music
Juke-Box Eating scorpion tails on a trip doesn’t entice me, but hearing new music does. Sometimes the music is great, other times not so good.  I think music helps people absorb a trip, either in memories, cultural significance, or something else.  Although not much travel took place in 2020 due to Covid, this podcast episode
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Podcast #18 – Free National Park Road Trip
11 Nov. 2020
Podcast #18 – Free National Park Road Trip
FreeWheelin’ In and outside of the loyalty and reward points and miles space, there’s plenty of talk about “free” travel, almost all of which doesn’t end up to actually be free travel.  In short, so many people omit details and costs that negate exactly what they claim to be promoting.  I like to create goals,
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Podcast #17 – Cheap Flights with Steven @ Notiflyr
10 Apr. 2020
Podcast #17 – Cheap Flights with Steven @ Notiflyr
Notiflyr is one of the best cheap airfare services in the world, period. Although I’ve kept tabs on the best cheap airfare websites around the world, until fairly recently I hadn’t heard of the company. After digging into more details and looking more closely at the quality of the flight deals they offer, I was
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Varanasi, India – Podcast #16
6 Mar. 2020
Varanasi, India – Podcast #16
Varanasi This podcast episode explores a special and unusual place in NE India called Varanasi. India’s most religious city, millions of people come here each year to bathe in the holy Ganges River and also to die. Audio from the Aarti fire ceremony, interviews with locals, and a first hand account of what it’s like
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New Podcast:  2019 Travel Music
10 Jan. 2020
New Podcast: 2019 Travel Music
Tuned In Music is an interesting aspect a lot of people ignore when traveling. I almost always try and hear what’s being played in the destinations that I travel to.  Music gives me a look into where I’m at beyond the tourist sites, local food, and landscape. In a way, the music being played is
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Travel Is Free Interview – Podcast #14
30 Jul. 2019
Travel Is Free Interview – Podcast #14
Mac-Attack I caught up with Drew from Travel is Free, one of my favorite points and miles related websites. Drew and his wife Caroline have done a significant amount of International travel together, with much of it documented via his website. His travel resources, tips, and tricks are fantastic, with a good deal of unique
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Delhi, India – Podcast #13
27 May. 2019
Delhi, India – Podcast #13
I’ll Never Do It Again (I.N.D.I.A) Delhi is a big and wild place. As part of a recent around the world trip, this episode dives into all things Delhi, from an unexpected visit to a local hospital to seeing chickens slaughtered with bare feet. I thought I was ready to travel in India. I wasn’t.
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Tokyo, Japan
18 May. 2019
Tokyo, Japan
Round the World Tokyo was the first stop in a recent around the world trip using points and miles. The trip was a struggle, as I got sick at the end of my time in Japan and really ill in India (the next stop).  Tokyo is an interesting and significant place and is definitely worth
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