Who’s The Racist?
16 Nov. 2017
Who’s The Racist?

Can A Leftist Be A Racist?

During her Halifax Pop Explosion gig at the Marquee Ballroom in Nova Scotia’s capital on October 19th,  Colombian-Canadian singer Lido Pimienta, instructed white audience members they must move to the back of the concert hall and that people of color needed to move to the front.  Some whites in the audience, including a female photographer, refused to move from their spot near the front of the stage.  Pimienta kept ordering whites to “move to the back,” while crowd members got angry at the photographer for refusing to move.  After 10-12 times of continuously instructing whites to move to the back of the room, Pimienta finally said, “You’re cutting into my set time, and you’re disrespecting these women.  I don’t have time for this,”

What happened to the journalist and singer?  The results may surprise you.

The white journalist was kicked out of the concert and is banned from every having affiliation with the event in the future.  On the other hand, the Halifax Pop Explosion board of directors issued a lengthy statement that profusely apologized to Pimienta.  Here is part of the statement from the Halifax Pop Explosion:

“On Thursday, October 19 at the Marquee Club, a white HPX volunteer along with several other white people in the audience reacted to Lido Pimienta inviting “brown girls to the front” of the venue with overt racism. This volunteer was removed by Lido herself. They have since received notification from the festival that they are no longer welcome to volunteer with us.”

“We will not accept this behaviour and neither should you. Be responsible for your friends — talk to them and support them as they move towards unpacking their racism. People of Color deserve safe spaces and it is your responsibility to help. It is also ours.”  

Halifax Pop Explosion also announced that it is committing to provide its entire team with anti-oppression and anti-racism training, and finished with:

“To Lido Pimienta: we are sorry that one of our volunteers interrupted your art, your show, and your audience by being aggressive and racist,” the statement also said. “We have so much respect for the art and music you create and the space you make for women, people of color, transgender, and nonbinary people. The way you interact with the world acts and provides a thoughtful example. You are a role model to us and many people in our community. We see it. We feel it. We hope you will work with us again.”

In an interview with Billboard magazine, Pimienta provided some clarity around her grotesque and racist show, saying:

“As an immigrant, as an Afro-Indigenous person, as an intersectional feminist, as a mother and all of the other signifiers that qualify me as “other,” I understand what it is like to not see yourself in the media, to not see yourself in institutions and to not see yourself represented or reflected at a music show, because the “artist of colour” (and I put that in quotation marks because even that term is extremely problematic), we don’t get to see each other at that level.”

“So I am deeply touched by HPX’s apology — they know they have a long way to go to balance things out, but at least they called themselves out and I hope this doesn’t end here but moves past the noise,”  and that she wants “the white woman heckler at my show to apologize now.”

Leftism Destroys Whatever It Touches

“The Left destroys everything that it touches.” – Dennis Prager

The singer is a Leftist.  She’s not a liberal.

With that said, the Left is racist by definition.  Liberals are not Leftists, they unfortunately don’t fight the Left.  Liberals have much more in common with Conservatives than they do with those on The Left.  The Left sees the world through the prism of race, gender, and class.  To The Left, race is significant.  Race matters and it is definitional.  Ideas, character, and behavior are much less important than the color of one’s skin.  Leftism is the opposite of traditional liberal values that say that the color of one’s skin is not determinative.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Different standards are now given to groups of people based on the color of their skin and ethic background:

  • At Harvard, there is now a separate graduation ceremony for black graduates
  • At several major universities such as California State University and The University of Connecticut there are segregated, black only dorms.
  • Some companies and unversities have hiring and admitting policies known as Affirmative Action that give preference to individuals based on skin color and ethnic background
  • Organizations like The Congressional Black Caucus won’t allow latinos, whites, and other non-blacks join.

Dennis Prager Sums Up The Issue Wonderfully

It’s Okay To Be A Racist, As Long As You’re On The Left

The takeaway here is that it’s ok to be a racist if you’re on The Left, but standing up to that racism and intolerance if you’re on the Right (or even if you’re not on the Right, just as long as you disagree will put you in harm’s way) automatically makes you a racist.  Universities around the country routinely teach that blacks and “people of color” can’t be racist, but rather, that only whites can be because they hold all the power.

The Left doesn’t value intellectual diversity, but seeks to completely dominate discussion through the use of slander, intimidation and libel.  It is a fascistic, hate filled, and dangerous movement.

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