Volunteering in Europe for Ukraine – Part 2
28 Oct. 2022
Volunteering in Europe for Ukraine – Part 2
Second Verse, Same as the First I recently wrote about volunteering for refugees fleeing from the war on the border of Ukraine and Poland.  Even though I’ve volunteered a good amount in the U.S., it was my first look at war related humanitarian relief on the ground.  In a nutshell, Ukrainians who seek shelter in
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Recommended Podcasts and Movies during Covid
6 Jun. 2020
Recommended Podcasts and Movies during Covid
Covid has slowed down things for a lot people, giving them more time for family, hobbies, and getting into things they otherwise didn’t have time for.  Reading is tough for me as it’s a sleep inducer.  As a result, I digest a tremendous amount of audio and video.  Often that audio is in the form
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Losing a Friend
2 Sep. 2019
Losing a Friend
News Last weekend I lost a friend of mine.  Death isn’t an uncommon thing, but my friend (Gary) died in a rare and freakish boat accident in Canada.  In fact, if you’ve kept up to date in the news you may have seen the story.  Basically, my friend was killed by either Kevin O’Leary (from
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Hoarding Points and Saving Money
26 Aug. 2019
Hoarding Points and Saving Money
No Savings When I was in my 20’s I didn’t save money towards retirement.  Zero, zilch, nada, zip.  That period wasn’t savings free though, as I did save $30,000 or so for travels to around 35-40 countries during that time.  In terms of retirement though, I was basically brain dead.  I remember willfully ignoring the
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20 Best Documentary Movies of All Time
27 Nov. 2018
20 Best Documentary Movies of All Time
Doco’s It’s getting colder in many parts of the country and for man, that means more time indoors.  Along with your favorite chair or spot on the couch, Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, Roku, and other media sources will probably get used a bit more.  I really enjoy movies, music, and audio.  In terms of film, I
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Thanksgiving, Happiness, & Being Grateful
23 Nov. 2017
Thanksgiving, Happiness, & Being Grateful
Thanksgiving and Happiness The holidays are a nice time to reflect on the important things in life.  For many people much of that importance revolves around family. Dennis Prager has had a pretty profound impact on my outlook and thinking.  His daily radio show is the best radio program that I’ve heard in 50 countries
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How much money would it take to travel for life?
7 Jun. 2017
How much money would it take to travel for life?
All The Travel You Could Handle Have you ever thought about how much money it would take to travel the world full time? In a meeting a few years ago, an executive at my company wondered what would each person in my department do if they won millions in the lottery.  She asked each of us if we would work or
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Vacation Time Off Around the World
3 Jun. 2017
Vacation Time Off Around the World
Needing A Break? I have a friend that lives in the middle of Venice.  When I visit the area, she often cooks for me in her flat, taking hours to make fresh meals completely from scratch.  The aroma in the room while she is cooking and the flavor of the food is just incredible.  The
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