8 Jun. 2017
The Real Jaws Few people know more about great white sharks than Andre Hartman.  He has been diving with sharks for the past 20 years, often without a cage or protection.  He has been bitten by great whites, ridden on top of them, and continues to dive to this day.  His work has been featured
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Scamming the system?  The moral case for travel hacking…
7 Jun. 2017
Scamming the system? The moral case for travel hacking…
The Power of Points When people ask me how I travel so much for so little money, I usually just keep it simple with a one word answer: “Points”.  That answer is usually followed by a brief explanation of the concept of travel hacking and how I benefit from it.  On more than one occasion,
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Where Are the Most Beautiful Women in the World?
7 Jun. 2017
Where Are the Most Beautiful Women in the World?
Clarity > Agreement First some disclaimers because when a topic like this comes up, people are bound to get a little fired up.  For those people who offend easily, there is a saying that I think is appropriate:  if something is said that’s not meant to offend then no offense should be taken.  This post is my personal
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How much money would it take to travel for life?
7 Jun. 2017
How much money would it take to travel for life?
All The Travel You Could Handle Have you ever thought about how much money it would take to travel the world full time? In a meeting a few years ago, an executive at my company wondered what would each person in my department do if they won millions in the lottery.  She asked each of us if we would work or
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Last Year I Earned 2,332,753 Miles and Points !!
7 Jun. 2017
Last Year I Earned 2,332,753 Miles and Points !!
Earning Rates You’ve probably heard the story before.  If Bill Gates dropped a $100 bill on the ground while walking it wouldn’t be worth his time to pick it up.  Depending on the year and value of his portfolio and other assets, calculations peg Mr. Gates as earning between $100 to $400 per second.  Yes per
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Where are the Muslim Protests?
7 Jun. 2017
Where are the Muslim Protests?
Violence and Silence The recent string of Islamic motivated terror attacks in Europe bring one major question to mind: Where are the mass protests by Muslims against the murders taking place in the name of their religion? Imagine 100,000 Muslims (and others) marching through the streets of London to protest the murders that took place recently.
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Real Racism and Intolerance:  Evergreen College and The Left
6 Jun. 2017
Real Racism and Intolerance: Evergreen College and The Left
“There is a civil war happening in this country;  It’s a civil war of ideas.” – Dennis Prager Progressive Racism Throughout the past few months, students at Evergreen have demanded that all whites, including professors, leave the campus to observe the school’s traditional and yearly demonstration of a “Day of Abs...
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Great White Shark Cage Diving with Chris Fallows in South Africa
4 Jun. 2017
Great White Shark Cage Diving with Chris Fallows in South Africa
Jaws If you want to see or cage dive with great white sharks, there are 5 main places to do so: California, Mexico, South Africa, Australia and now also New Zealand in the world to do so.  South Africa is probably the easiest (and cheapest) place to accomplish that goal, the problem is getting there.  It’s
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