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8 Feb. 2018
Larry Elder: “Take the ‘Racist Xenophobe’ Quiz–Who Said This About Illegal Immigration?”
Larry Elder 2/8/2018 12:01:00 AM – Larry Elder Which alleged “racist xenophobe” made these statements about illegal immigration? “Those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law, and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pou...
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16 Oct. 2019
2 Years On, #MeToo Needs a Course Correction
Two years ago this week, the #MeToo hashtag went viral amid allegations that Harvey Weinstein, a powerful film producer, had sexually assaulted numerous women. Ronan Farrow, the journalist at the New Yorker who first broke the story, published “Catch and Kill” this week, a book recounting these allegations and what became of the turmoil...
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23 Nov. 2017
I got fired for calling out liberal hypocrisy on Clintons
It was bizarre watching KABC TalkRadio in Los Angeles – my hypocritical ex-employer – hold a televised press conference. It turns out that one of the station’s news anchors, Leeann Tweeden, claims Sen. Al Franken groped her. In 2006, Tweeden said, before Franken became a senator, he and she participated in a USO tour to
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4 Jan. 2018
Instead of ‘Infrastructure Investment,’ How About Killing Davis-Bacon? logo JANUARY 4, 2018 Larry Elder 1/4/2018 12:01:00 AM – Larry Elder Is there a difference between President Barack Obama’s “stimulus” and President Donald Trump’s “infrastructure investment”? Despite costing $800 billion, most economists do not believe Obama’s “stimulus” progr...
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7 Dec. 2017
Leadership Malpractice: John Conyers’ Resignation Is 50 Years Too Late
Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., hospitalized for an undefined stress-related illness, announced his retirement after serving more than 50 years in the House. Two other Conyers — a son and a great-nephew — immediately announced plans to vie for the elder Conyers’ seat. The great-nephew said, “His doctor advised him that the rigor...
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16 Oct. 2019
‘Batwoman’ Actress Ruby Rose Is Happy She Didn’t Transition to a Man
On the occasion of World Mental Health Day last week, 33-year-old actress Ruby Rose opened up about her early childhood trauma, mental disorders, and attempted suicides in an Instagram post. She wrote: View this post on Instagram Today is world mental health day. This photo is from right before I started OITNB. I’ve struggled with
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17 Oct. 2019
We’re Becoming More Like China Than China Is Like Us
A little over 40 years ago, Chinese communist strongman and reformer Deng Xiaoping began 15 years of sweeping economic reforms. They were designed to end the disastrous, even murderous planned economy of Mao Zedong, who died in 1976. The results of Deng’s revolution astonished the world. In four decades, China went from a backward basket
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30 Nov. 2017
Dump Roy Moore
It is a political, tactical and moral mistake for Republicans to continue backing Judge Roy Moore for Alabama’s Senate seat. In brief, he has been accused by multiple women of, decades ago, making unwanted and inappropriate sexual advances toward them when they were teenage girls — one as young as 14 — and he was
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16 Feb. 2018
What Left-Wing Educators Don’t Teach During ‘Black History Month’
By: Larry Elder When will Black History Month be … history? Apart from the bizarre notion that educators should set aside one month to salute the historical achievements of one race apart from and above the historical achievements of other races, Black History Month appears to omit a lot of black history. About slavery, do
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16 Oct. 2019
House Democrats’ New Bill Would Drive Up College Costs Even Further
House Democrats on Tuesday introduced a bill that combines some of the worst higher education policies into one bundle. The bill, titled the College Affordability Act, would overhaul the Higher Education Act of 1965. While that law certainly needs significant revision, this proposal would replicate, and in some cases double down on, the unwise poli...
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26 Oct. 2017
My Own Harvey Weinstein Experience
I knew of Harvey Weinstein, and I’d heard that he possessed the power to make or break careers, that he was bombastic and that he pushed people around. But that pretty much was the extent of it. After all, this is Hollywood, where only a small percent of would-be actors and actresses in the Screen
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16 Nov. 2017
No, Colin Kaepernick Is No Muhammad Ali
GQ magazine named former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick its 2017 “Citizen of the Year.” In doing so, GQ overlooked NFL Houston Texans’ J.J. Watt, who raised some $37 million for hurricane relief. Many of Kaepernick’s supporters liken his protest to that of boxer Muhammad Ali, who refused to be inducted into the military. T...
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