Genderless Child Born in Canada
22 Nov. 2017
Genderless Child Born in Canada
No Gender Babies? A parent in Canada just had a baby and wants the child to be “gender free”. If this person was asked if they thought there was such a thing as a male or female what their response would be?  I’m guessing that they don’t believe in male female differences at all. I’m
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Who’s The Racist?
16 Nov. 2017
Who’s The Racist?
Can A Leftist Be A Racist? During her Halifax Pop Explosion gig at the Marquee Ballroom in Nova Scotia’s capital on October 19th,  Colombian-Canadian singer Lido Pimienta, instructed white audience members they must move to the back of the concert hall and that people of color needed to move to the front.  Some whites in the audience, including
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Ireland Releases Che Guevara Postage Stamp
3 Nov. 2017
Ireland Releases Che Guevara Postage Stamp
A Hero To Some, A Terrorist To Others In October, the Republic of Ireland released a postage stamp with Che Guevara to mark the the 50th anniversary of his death.  Ernesto “Che” Guevara was one of the leaders of communist revolution in Cuba in the 1950s, but was later captured and executed by CIA trained soldiers for trying
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Real Racism and Intolerance:  Evergreen College and The Left
6 Jun. 2017
Real Racism and Intolerance: Evergreen College and The Left
“There is a civil war happening in this country;  It’s a civil war of ideas.” – Dennis Prager Progressive Racism Throughout the past few months, students at Evergreen have demanded that all whites, including professors, leave the campus to observe the school’s traditional and yearly demonstration of a “Day of Abs...
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