Echo Chamber
There aren’t many conservative media sources in Europe. Conservative media is like a needle in a haystack, and that haystack has been emptied on the ground in a large barn and then mixed in with 100 other bales of hay. Although I love being in and traveling in Europe, it’s is an echo chamber of left wing though and media. The Gatestone Institute is a rare exception to that. I’ve heard about crime, including rape, along with car burnings increasing in and around Europe as migrant numbers have increased. It’s a touchy subject, mainly for those on the left, but it shouldn’t be. Either the reports are true or not true. For some, truth is not a value; equality and multiculturalism are.
Car Fires in Europe
According to this recent article, between January and September 2017, Sweden experienced 6000 car-burnings. That equals roughly 22 car fires per day. Schools and other buildings are sometimes targeted by arsonists as well. Similar arson attacks have occurred in France, and Denmark. On New Year’s in France last year at least 945 cars were burned in France. For more information on the arson outbreaks in Europe, see these articles in Gatestone Institute, NY Times, Telegraph in the UK, and other media sources within the UK and Sweden.
Other Crime
Sexual harassment is big headlines in the US, but much more serious violent crime like rape and sexual assault are occurring in Europe and in staggering numbers. Last year alone, some 1,200 women around Germany were sexually assaulted on New Year’s Eve. Stabbings, bombings, and killings from murderers driving vehicles into crowds of people have also become new forms of terror that many countries have had to endure. Many women are now afraid of leaving their homes and participating in daily life the way they once did. Only the most grotesque and savage crimes in Europe are being reported here in the US, with little to no coverage of the other deep and damaging issues occurring there.
One woman in German was raped by a muslim immigrant, but then lied to police because of inciting racist sentiment towards muslims. Over 1,400 girls were abused, raped, prostituted in Rotherham, England while police looked the other way in favor of multi-culturalism.
Strange Death of Europe
In just the past 5 years, Europe has changed dramatically with the influx of mass migration, mostly from the Middle East. For many, that change has been on balance negative on variety of levels. Douglas Murray is a British author who has written a revealing book on the decline of Europe called, “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam”. An interesting audio piece with Douglas Murray talking about his book on the Dennis Prager radio show can be found here.