What to Know:  Cage Diving with Great White Sharks
12 Sep. 2017
What to Know: Cage Diving with Great White Sharks
The Real Jaws I’ve had a fascination with sharks and ocean life ever since I was young, and much of that intrigue is still there.  The first time that I saw a 14 male great white swim past the cage, slowly peering at me as it glided past, was a thrill and one that I
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Fiji Airways:  “We Have No Record Of You On This Flight”
17 Aug. 2017
Fiji Airways: “We Have No Record Of You On This Flight”
Oh No When you are ready to check in for your overseas flight, the last thing that you want a ticket agent to say is that you aren’t scheduled to be on that flight.  Unfortunately that’s exactly what happened to me on my recent trip to Fiji….4….separate….times.  Not only did this happen several times, but
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20 Best Things to See and Do in South Africa
18 Jul. 2017
20 Best Things to See and Do in South Africa
The Best Things to See and Do in South Africa I’ve highlighted the top must see and do’s for a first visit to South Africa.  There are many beautiful destinations around the world, but taken as a whole, it’s hard to imagine any country being more scenic than South Africa.  Each person has their own timeline
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Auschwitz Concentration Camp:  Now and Then
25 Jun. 2017
Auschwitz Concentration Camp: Now and Then
People often ask me about things that they should see in Europe on their next visit.  I tell them that on a tour of Europe, they’ll see and later forget many wonderful places, but that they’ll never forget Auschwitz.  It’s a unique place where people come from all over the world to experience one of the
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Where Are the Most Beautiful Women in the World?
7 Jun. 2017
Where Are the Most Beautiful Women in the World?
Clarity > Agreement First some disclaimers because when a topic like this comes up, people are bound to get a little fired up.  For those people who offend easily, there is a saying that I think is appropriate:  if something is said that’s not meant to offend then no offense should be taken.  This post is my personal
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How much money would it take to travel for life?
7 Jun. 2017
How much money would it take to travel for life?
All The Travel You Could Handle Have you ever thought about how much money it would take to travel the world full time? In a meeting a few years ago, an executive at my company wondered what would each person in my department do if they won millions in the lottery.  She asked each of us if we would work or
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Great White Shark Cage Diving with Chris Fallows in South Africa
4 Jun. 2017
Great White Shark Cage Diving with Chris Fallows in South Africa
Jaws If you want to see or cage dive with great white sharks, there are 5 main places to do so: California, Mexico, South Africa, Australia and now also New Zealand in the world to do so.  South Africa is probably the easiest (and cheapest) place to accomplish that goal, the problem is getting there.  It’s
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10 Things that I Love About Europe
4 Jun. 2017
10 Things that I Love About Europe
Europe’s Best I love traveling Europe, but it’s not always easy.  Even if you have vast resources, sooner or later on a trip there you’re going to stumble upon some European intricacies that add or detract from your trip.  I’ve had my own struggles through visiting over 30 countries and more than a year of
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