Best New Manufactured Spending Blog of 2017?
13 Feb. 2018
Best New Manufactured Spending Blog of 2017?


Even with a moniker like MillionMileGuy, I’m not much into self promotion.  The moniker was chosen mostly for fun, but also because it’s an accurate way of looking at my award point accumulation and outlook each year.  Earning a million award points was my first big goal in the points and miles hobby, and has remained as a base goal each year ever since.  I collect award points and miles because I enjoy and value travel.  If it ended tomorrow, that’s fine, but for now it’s fun and I enjoy it.  The blog is fun too, although it all takes time….alot of time.


Recent post about MMG at RapidTravelChai

It’s probably easy to tell that I’m new at this.  Heck, just a few months ago Google didn’t even recognize my domain address!   Basically to Google, I didn’t exist.  That seems to be fixed and the website is at least operating and moving forward.  It’s a passion project for me, as it’s unsponsored, and I do it because I enjoy it, not because I’m paid to do so.

Higher Power

Stefan at Rapid Travel Chai has a nice blog and does a great job in every travel, points and miles event that I’ve seen him at.  He’s articulate, bright, extremely well educated, and knows his stuff.  So when he says that this blog is the “Best New Manufactured Spending Blog of 2017”, well it’s nice to hear, and a pretty big compliment – but also kind of embarrassing.  Embarrassing because I’m not a huge spotlight guy, but I take some solace in the fact that my website might be the only new manufactured spending blog of 2o17 hahaha!!  But I should also say thank you to him – he’s a great guy.

Hopefully I can write some interesting posts, not just MS related, and also offer readers additional tools like cheap flight links, news, music, and podcasts.  I really enjoy the audio editing aspect of the podcasts, and if you haven’t listened to any of them yet, give a couple a try.  The openings change from time to time so it’s not the same formula over and over.  Getting the audio levels to be loud enough is a trick I don’t think I’ve mastered yet, so that’s a work in progress.  Sorry if that aspect isn’t quite perfect yet.  There are more shows in the works too.

Anyway, thanks for tuning in, I appreciate it.

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