$318 Minneapolis to Honolulu
10 Feb. 2018
$318 Minneapolis to Honolulu
Get Out of the Cold I just returned from the island of Oahu from a week long vacation in Hawaii.  It was my first time to the island, and I had a nice time.  The other islands are better IMO than Oahu, but if you’re looking to escape the cold, then this is a smoking
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New Interview:  Stefan Krasowski of Rapid Travel Chai
10 Feb. 2018
New Interview: Stefan Krasowski of Rapid Travel Chai
Global-Trotter Stefan Krasowski is truly a world traveler.  He has been to 189 of the world’s 193 countries and is a member of the Circumnavigators Club and the Travelers’ Century Club. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, a graduate of the prestigious Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and has also lived and studied
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Hawaii Timeshare Presentation = 40,000 Hilton Points
6 Feb. 2018
Hawaii Timeshare Presentation = 40,000 Hilton Points
Fractional Ownership? Before departing Honolulu for the North Shore, I was walking around the Ala Moana shopping center just 2 blocks from my hotel in Waikiki.  It’s claim to fame is the world’s largest open-air shopping center.  Besides being quite big, it’s also nice with standard stores that you’d find in any American mal...
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How I Differ with Others in the Points Hobby
5 Feb. 2018
How I Differ with Others in the Points Hobby
Points World Millions of people in the U.S. collect frequent flyer miles.  Add into that hotel and other related rewards, and you’ve got millions more.  Many people participate in the collection of rewards in similar ways.  They have a go to rewards credit card that they put most of their everyday spending on, fly occasionally,
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Honolulu, Hawaii:  Love It or Leave It?
4 Feb. 2018
Honolulu, Hawaii: Love It or Leave It?
Freezer Burn The winter months in the Midwest can drag on, and during the cold stretches I like to hop on a plane and go somewhere warm.  Fortunately about six weeks ago I found a nice flight deal on my website for $374 from Minneapolis to Hawaii on American Airlines.  I’m currently in Honolulu, Hawaii
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Cape Town Running Out Of Water
28 Jan. 2018
Cape Town Running Out Of Water
Running Dry It’s a paradox that a seaside city is running out of water, but that’s what is happening to Cape Town, South Africa.  The city has a population of 3.7 million people and is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  In roughly 50 countries of travel, it’s the most scenic city
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A Different Way To Value Credit Cards & Points
26 Jan. 2018
A Different Way To Value Credit Cards & Points
Opinions Vary Point valuations differ depending on who you ask and what blog you read.  The valuation variance doesn’t seem all that different for most of the big points blogs, and follow pretty consistent and similar formulas.  I glance at the various estimates, but I have my own way of looking at point valuations.  Most
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Jetto:  New Flight App for Low Fares
25 Jan. 2018
Jetto: New Flight App for Low Fares
Wow – That’s a Low Price! Cheap flights are evolving and Jetto continues that trend.  Today Travis Sherry from ExtraPackofPeanuts launched a new app that promises flight deals from a variety of major cities in the United States.  Until now, my favorite app for the best deals is Hopper, but Jetto shows promise. At first
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