Minsk International Business Class Lounge Review
25 Apr. 2018
Minsk International Business Class Lounge Review
Un-photogenic Minsk isn’t very photo friendly.  The city itself is a bit of an architectural eyesore, and in some areas photos aren’t permitted.  The airport is definitely one of those photos restricted places, so getting some pictures of the (international) Business Class lounge there wasn’t easy.  If you do take photos in the Mi...
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5 Days Traveling in Minsk Belarus
22 Apr. 2018
5 Days Traveling in Minsk Belarus
Backpacked When I was in my 20’s I backpacked Europe for over a year.  I traveled through Western Europe, Scandinavia, Great Britain and Ireland for 6 months, and then came back not long after to do a similar length trip through Scandinavia, Central and Eastern Europe.  At that time, I was within close proximity to
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A Trip During Points and Miles Change
19 Apr. 2018
A Trip During Points and Miles Change
Faithfully Departed The Day I left for my Eastern European trip, Starwood/Marriott was set to release the overhaul to the new program(s).  When I first heard about the news schedule for the announcement, I was dreading it.  When large dominant companies merge, I assume the new structure will not be good for consumers.  I’ve recently
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Trying to Find Up To $10,000 Worth of Lost MS
17 Apr. 2018
Trying to Find Up To $10,000 Worth of Lost MS
Missing In Action As of today, I’m still missing $5,000 to $10,000 worth of money linked with manufactured spending (MS).  I wrote about that issue in a recent post, and although I’m leaving on a this morning, there’s a black financial cloud hanging over my head as I get ready to depart.  As a positive
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Safety Concerns On My Next Trip?
14 Apr. 2018
Safety Concerns On My Next Trip?
Paranoia I get a little spooked when it comes to bad news in the points world.  I used to joke about starting a blog called “Paranoid Points”.  The website would be a stream of credit card and bank shutdown fears as well as news linked to dying deals and other bad mojo. I’m not paranoid,
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New Podcast:  PGA Tour Caddy Mark Urbanek
14 Apr. 2018
New Podcast: PGA Tour Caddy Mark Urbanek
You Da Man! Mark Urbanek is THE man on the bag and a professional golf caddy on the PGA Tour.  For those that don’t watch golf, he’s one of the guys carrying the golf clubs, giving his player advice, and basically keeping them happy and sane much of the time.  The guy is a major athlete
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My Encounter With Radical Islam
8 Apr. 2018
My Encounter With Radical Islam
Bueno Buenos Aires In 2010 I was in a bit of a lull.  The economy was terrible and still very much inside the country’s recession.  I was in between jobs and wasn’t sure what was next.  After looking at some travel options, I decided on a 5 month trip to South America.  The trip in
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New Podcast:  Trip Report:  Oahu, Hawaii
6 Apr. 2018
New Podcast: Trip Report: Oahu, Hawaii
Surf’s Up? Episode from my recent trip to Oahu, Hawaii. First time trip to any part of Hawaii. In the trip I surfed, hiked, visited Pipeline and the North Shore, Pearl Harbor, and drove every major road on the island.  For the trip I used US Bank Flexperks to pay for the flight, Choice hotel
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