Remember 10% Off All Target GiftCards Tomorrow
2 Dec. 2017
Remember 10% Off All Target GiftCards Tomorrow
Sale! I don’t post a ton of deals on my site but here’s one that’s very practical for just about everyone I know  Tomorrow only, Target offers 10% off all gift cards as part of it’s Weekend Deals promotions.  The gift cards are discounted in store and online.  Looks like a $300 maximum gift card
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Car Burnings In Sweden
28 Nov. 2017
Car Burnings In Sweden
Echo Chamber There aren’t many conservative media sources in Europe.  Conservative media is like a needle in a haystack, and that haystack has been emptied on the ground in a large barn and then mixed in with 100 other bales of hay.  Although I love being in and traveling in Europe, it’s is an echo
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Thanksgiving, Happiness, & Being Grateful
23 Nov. 2017
Thanksgiving, Happiness, & Being Grateful
Thanksgiving and Happiness The holidays are a nice time to reflect on the important things in life.  For many people much of that importance revolves around family. Dennis Prager has had a pretty profound impact on my outlook and thinking.  His daily radio show is the best radio program that I’ve heard in 50 countries
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Genderless Child Born in Canada
22 Nov. 2017
Genderless Child Born in Canada
No Gender Babies? A parent in Canada just had a baby and wants the child to be “gender free”. If this person was asked if they thought there was such a thing as a male or female what their response would be?  I’m guessing that they don’t believe in male female differences at all. I’m
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The OTHER Mint:  Manufactured Spend In Canada
18 Nov. 2017
The OTHER Mint: Manufactured Spend In Canada
Deja Vu? Nearly anyone who’s been involved in the award points and miles hobby for any measurable length of time has heard about manufactured spending perfection, aka the US Mint Deal.  As a brief recap, the US Mint, the government agency responsible for printing hard currency, wanted to get dollar coins back into circulation.  So
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Best Websites For Points & Miles Beginners
17 Nov. 2017
Best Websites For Points & Miles Beginners
At a local points meetup last night there were some new people that made it to the meeting, and a few of them were new to points and miles.  Like we all were at a certain point it was easy for them to get lost in all the information.  Here are some links to some
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Who’s The Racist?
16 Nov. 2017
Who’s The Racist?
Can A Leftist Be A Racist? During her Halifax Pop Explosion gig at the Marquee Ballroom in Nova Scotia’s capital on October 19th,  Colombian-Canadian singer Lido Pimienta, instructed white audience members they must move to the back of the concert hall and that people of color needed to move to the front.  Some whites in the audience, including
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Just Booked: Lufthansa First Class !!
14 Nov. 2017
Just Booked: Lufthansa First Class !!
Splashy Awards Sitting up front in premium cabins with lots of room, great food and service, and all the creature comforts that are possible in the sky is pretty cool.  I come from modest surroundings and flying first class and staying in $1,000+ a night hotels rooms definitely wasn’t commonplace growing up.  For some in the points
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