10 Things that I Love About Europe
4 Jun. 2017
10 Things that I Love About Europe
Europe’s Best I love traveling Europe, but it’s not always easy.  Even if you have vast resources, sooner or later on a trip there you’re going to stumble upon some European intricacies that add or detract from your trip.  I’ve had my own struggles through visiting over 30 countries and more than a year of
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Europe’s Killing Fields:  Srebrenica, Bosnia (and Modern Genocide)
4 Jun. 2017
Europe’s Killing Fields: Srebrenica, Bosnia (and Modern Genocide)
Can’t Forget In over 30 countries of travel in Europe, one country that had a profound impact on me was Bosnia and Herzegovina.  People often ask me what is my favorite country that I’ve traveled too.  I don’t have a favorite country yet, but one that I’ll never forget is Bosnia.  Bosnia is a relatively small
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5 Best Flight Award Websites
3 Jun. 2017
5 Best Flight Award Websites
Navigating all of the trip planning options can be a challenging process, and for points and miles beginners, it can really be daunting. Best Flight Award Websites Here are some of my favorite resources to help you plan your award flight better and make use out of those hard earned miles 1.  Award Hacker Kind of
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Vacation Time Off Around the World
3 Jun. 2017
Vacation Time Off Around the World
Needing A Break? I have a friend that lives in the middle of Venice.  When I visit the area, she often cooks for me in her flat, taking hours to make fresh meals completely from scratch.  The aroma in the room while she is cooking and the flavor of the food is just incredible.  The
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The 12 Worst Cities in Europe
1 Jun. 2017
The 12 Worst Cities in Europe
Who’s Bad? I love Europe, but there are some caveats.  I’ve been robbed there while traveling, had countless frustrations in nearly every country there, and politically struggle with some European positions.  But I keep coming back, and always look forward to my next trip there, even if I’ve been to the destination before.  The po...
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Too Many Points with Too Many Programs?
1 Jun. 2017
Too Many Points with Too Many Programs?
Balanced? I comfortably earn over a million frequent flyer miles, hotel points, and other travel related award points each year.  I do so in a variety of ways and always have the goal of attaining those points with no out of pocket costs, or as close to zero as possible.  In case you’re wondering how
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The Maldives:  Heaven and Hell
23 Nov. 2016
The Maldives: Heaven and Hell
Paradise? How many countries have a President that has been tortured by its own government? One country that has: the Maldives. If you asked most points and miles enthusiasts for a shortlist of exotic destinations that they would like to redeem points for, most would have the Maldives on that list.  I must admit, it’s
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Greatest Points and Miles Stories of All Time
10 Nov. 2016
Greatest Points and Miles Stories of All Time
Irrational Exuberance Alan Greenspan once talked about rising stock prices as “irrational exuberance”.  Much of that kind of excitement in the award points and miles world now is manufactured spend.  But what seems like a new thing has roots many years old, and with it, some great and now nearly mythic people and stories to
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