BMO Harris Shutdown from Manufactured Spend
5 Feb. 2020
BMO Harris Shutdown from Manufactured Spend
Cold Water Another bank shutdown happened last week related to money order deposits from manufactured spend.  This time it was BMO Harris.  What’s kind of weird about the shutdown is that I’ve had the account for under 2 years now, and received a call from their risk department in Wisconsin several months after opening the account. 
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Points and Miles Goals for 2020
30 Dec. 2019
Points and Miles Goals for 2020
Winds of Change My points and miles goals are starting to pursue a different path.  Like many in the hobby, when I first started collecting travel rewards, I had very specific goals.  Initially, I just wanted to sign up for a travel rewards credit card and earn a nice stack of bonus miles.  From there
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December App-O-Rama
22 Dec. 2019
December App-O-Rama
More Plastic Several months ago I did my largest round of credit card applications in many years, applying for 7 new rewards cards.  Fortunately I was approved for all 7, but they weren’t all instant, and it also created a near shutdown for me with one of my banks.  Until being banned by MoneyGram this
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MoneyGram Banned!
22 Dec. 2019
MoneyGram Banned!
Bannishment It was only a matter of time but the MoneyGram hammer has come.  On Friday while trying to process a $4k transaction at a local Walmart, I got MoneyGram’s generic message of death. …”Please inform the customer that the system is unable to process the transaction.” In other words, you’re screwed, see you lat...
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My $100k Challenge
19 Nov. 2019
My $100k Challenge
Slow Cooker The points and miles hobby/game/lifestyle is fun.  It’s been very rewarding to me, but also continuously changing.  To derive substantial rewards, it requires some effort to monitor the latest news and stay on top of things, but that work has, and does, pay off.  Point and miles, or loyalty based rewards, are also
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Simon GCMall Site Not Working
15 Nov. 2019
Simon GCMall Site Not Working
Another One Bites the Dust Having different sources to buy debit/gift cards for manufactured spend is always a plus, but it looks like one of them is toast.  It’s not a secret you can buy gift cards at Simon Malls, but Simon also has had two online sites to buy cards.  One of them is
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31 Oct. 2019
The Down->Low I’ve written a bit about some of the rumored changes coming to Walmart (WM) MoneyCenters via MoneyGram (MG), and it’s looking ominous.  As a quick recap of possible changes coming to a MoneyCenter near you: November 1 – this is the date that’s been bantered about for significant MoneyGram changes inside Walm...
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Navy Federal Nastygram For Manufactured Spend
30 Oct. 2019
Navy Federal Nastygram For Manufactured Spend
Hit List For a person that does higher manufactured spend volume, my list of bank shutdowns isn’t that bad.  I’ve been shutdown by Bank of America, Citibank, and Barclays.  To some that list of closures seems severe, but I’m actually quite fortunate it’s not much more inclusive.  I’m guessing that Barclays was inevitab...
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